Dad and daughter trip for lunch
VFR in the PA28 Headcorn to Lydd (G-SEXX)
It’s been a while since I last released a video and this is one from last year when I got to spend some quality time with my 7 year old daughter.
About 3 months before this flight, I took my wife and 2 kids for a sightseeing trip around the Kent coast. While my son wasn’t 100% convinced about being in a light aircraft, my daughter on the other hand thoroughly enjoyed the experience has had been pestering me ever since to go flying again.

On Saturday 18th September 2021, I had an afternoon with my daughter while my wife was out with my son and the PA28 was available for the afternoon and the weather conditions were prefect for flying.

As I had only ever kept to the local area for short sightseeing flights with the kids in the plane, the next stage was to attempt a land away. So I planned a short flight to Lydd which only takes about 15 minutes from Headcorn and involves a scenic approach out to sea which I knew my daughter would love. The idea was that we would make a short stop for some lunch before flying back home.

Knowing that it was going to be a busy day at Headcorn, we arrived well in advance of our booking slot to take in the numerous activities including parachute jumps, wing walkers and the Spitfires. This also gave me plenty of time to complete the pre-flight checks, safety briefing and to refuel the aircraft knowing that I would have a certain little person next to me asking lots of questions.

The winds favoured a departure from runway 10, so we left the circuit on the upwind leg making a right turn as we approached the ATZ boundary.

As the flight is so short, there was no point in contacting a LARS air traffic service and as soon as we had departed Headcorn’s ATZ to the south we changed straight to Lydd Approach and started our descent preparations as we passed over the town of Tenterden.
We were asked to report with 4 miles to run to the airfield at which stage we reached the altitude of 1,500 feet which is required as you approach the overhead.
On reaching the overhead we then descended to the circuit hight of 1,000 feet by the time we turned onto the left hand downwind leg for runway 21. This was the part of the flight that I was looking forward to as the downwind leg takes you out to sea and it was clear from the ‘WOW!!’ from my daughter as we made the turn that it had the desired effect.

The landing was smooth and uneventful and on touching down ATC directed us to park on the main ramp outside of the main terminal building.

After shutting down the aircraft, we both made our way to the terminal building to pay the landing fee. The very kind person who took our payment offered my daughter and I the opportunity to eat our packed lunch in the executive lounge which was a great privilege.

I am always a bit more nervous when flying with my kids (precious cargo onboard), but I need not have worried the idea to land away with my daughter was a great success and she thoroughly enjoyed the flight.

Now that we had both been fed, the only job remaining was to get us both back to base at Headcorn.
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